When you start your higher education, you often have the choice between your own apartment, a flat share with your own room or a simple room with a large shared kitchen. There are also some double rooms. This means that you share a room with another student. This is realistic, especially at the beginning of your studies, because single rooms are often reserved for older students. But you don’t have to choose the dorm living and your own apartment can cost you a lot of money. Our housing system can give you the freedom you need and deserve!
While there may be differences from dormitory to real housing, there are some features that are in common with the dorms and our system. As a rule, the rooms are fully furnished, so you do not have to bring your own bed etc. In addition, you do not have to worry about an internet or telephone connection. Plus with our system, there are no hidden fees!
Our housing system can be an affordable and an easy option for everyone out there. After Zuma housing, this option became a popular option for students. Therefore, the demand remains high. The student residence is still the cheapest form of living outside of the parental home and a popular alternative to rented apartments, but it can be frustrating. In addition to the low rental price, the students particularly appreciate the proximity to the campus and university and the wide range of social contact options with our system.